rock paper scissors image classification

Tawang sahro winanto

Sosial Media

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This project was created for the purpose of completing the preparation course for the international certification of artificial intelligence (AIBIZ).I made a classification of rock paper scissors images using CNN


In this project, I used deep learning to classify rock paper scissors images for the link dataset as follows:, this dataset consists of two thousand one hundred and eighty eight image data which is divided into three classes, the explanation of each step is as follows.

first of all we import the library that we will use

next we mount our drive to call the dataset that we will use

then we divide our dataset into 3 data, namely 80% training data, 10% testing data and 10% validation data








The next step is the preprocessing stage and label encoder for each class

The next step is to create a CNN model with

then we do data training for 20 epochs

then we evaluate the data using the confusion matrix and classification report

Informasi Course Terkait
  Kategori: Artificial Intelligence
  Course: Riset Kecerdasan Artifisial (SIB AI-RESEARCH)