Fery Oktabrian
The design concept of the tool created is to make a trash can that can work automatically which can open and close when an object approaches a certain distance using a microcontroller. The trash can which will be made using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor to detect objects in front of the trash can with a maximum distance of 40cm, the trash can will open automatically where the lid is attached to a wire to pull the servo motor to open the trash can automatically. Meanwhile, to control the program itself, Arduino uno is used
Developments in the current era, all aspects of human life have experienced very rapid development. This development is accompanied and supported by technological developments which play a very important role in progress in all fields. Various innovations and all the utilization of these technological advances are very helpful in easing daily work. Garbage is one of the recurring problems in our environment. The average person generates waste every day, including household waste and various industrial wastes. Garbage can be a serious problem if left unchecked because it disturbs human health and causes odor. Decay reduces environmental aesthetics and air pollution. A trash can is a place where waste is stored temporarily until it is transported to a waste disposal site. To minimize the problems caused by this waste, the latest innovations are many trash cans that are more practical and environmentally friendly. Increasingly sophisticated and modern technology means that all aspects of human work can be integrated with this technology. One of the most popular technologies in helping human work is the microcontroller. With this microcontroller, many human jobs are made easier. Microcontrollers are usually used in electronic equipment to be able to work automatically. One application for using a microcontroller is a smart trash can to make it easier for people to dispose of trash and keep the environment clean. Several studies using microcontrollers as a solution in designing smart trash cans have been carried out. Making the Smart Trash Bin uses a distance sensor based on the Atmega 328 microcontroller. Making a trash can prototype design. Making a smart trash can design with the HC-SR04 sensor based on Arduino Uno R3. From the background above, the authors created a smart trash can design, which is able to open the lid of the trash can automatically when someone approaches the trash can and closes automatically when the trash has been put in. The design made by the author works automatically so there is no direct contact with humans, thereby reducing the risk of bacterial infection due to holding trash bin.
Data of rubbish
No. | Nama Alat | Jumlah | Keterangan |
1 | Laptop Asus | 1 | make code |
2 | Kabel | 2 | conect the igredients |
3 | Lem | 1 | Menempel bahan |
4 | Pinset | 1 | Meperbaiki kabel male to male |
No. | Nama Bahan | Jumlah | Keterangan |
1 | Arduino Uno | 1 | Mikrocontroler |
2 | Sensor Ultrasonic HC-SR04 | 1 | for distance |
3 | Mini Breadboard | 1 | to conect the component |
4 | Motor Servo | 1 | for move the trash |
No. | Nama Software | Keterangan |
1 | Microsoft word | for make the report |
2 | Thinkercad | for make simulation |
3 | Arduino Ide | for make a code |
4 | Draw.io | for make flowchart |
Gambar 1. Flow Chart
Gambar 2. Rancangan Desain Alat
Gambar 3. Simulasi Thinkercad
Gambar 4. Hasil Perancangan Perangkat Keras
Gambar 5. Upload Kode Menuju Arduino Uno
Table 4. Pengujian Sensor Ultrasonik
Alat | Scenario Uji | Hal yang diharapkan | Jarak | Keterangan |
Ultrasonic | Detects hand distance | can detects hand | 10cm | succes |
Ultrasonic | Detects hand distance | can detects hand | 20 cm | succes |
Ultrasonic | Detects hand distance | can detects hand | 30cm | succes |
Ultrasonic | Detects hand distance | can detects hand | 40cm | fail |
Table 5. Uji Coba Mikro Servo
Alat | Scenario Uji | Hal yang diharapkan | Delay | Keterangan |
Mikro Servo | Can open and close the trash can automatically when the ultrasonic sensor detects an object |
| 4 Detik | success |
At this stage after experimenting with ultrasonic sensors and servo motors in this section the program that has been made is implemented in an automatic trash bin or smart trash bin
Gambar 6. Rangkaian Tempat Sampah
The circuit contained in picture shows a circuit that is ready to be used to conduct an automatic trash can experiment using an ultrasonic sensor with a Micro Servo drive.
Gambar 7. Uji Coba Tempat Sampah
In trials conducted where the hand that was on the starling about 10 cm can open automatically where the ultrasonic sensor can detect the presence of the hand so that it can send a signal to the Micro Servo after that the Micro Servo will move 180 degrees then the electric voltage is obtained to open the place Garbage automatically comes from the laptop that is connected to the Arduino Uno.
LInk Presentation :